Themanummer: ‘The Yangtze and the Rhine, Two Major River Systems’, TSEG 21:1 (2024)

De eenentwintigste editie van The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History (TSEG) is verschenen. In deze speciale editie wordt aandacht besteed aan de Yangtze en de Rijn:
– The Yangtze and the Rhine, Two Major River Systems: An Introduction
Hein A.M. Klemann
– Navigational Practices and the Use of the Leeboard on Shallow-Draft Riverine and Coastal Craft in the Yangtze and Rhine Estuaries. A Short Essay in Comparative Nautical History, Leonard Blussé

  • Wooden Boats and Shipping Organizations in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (1700-1850)
    Yao Chen
  • ‘It is Said That at Least 300,000 Reichstaler of Capital Are Required for a Raft Trade’. German Traders and the Dutch Timber Trade in the Eighteenth Century
    Ralf Banken
  • Competition between Dutch Skippers, German Shipowners, and the Transition to Steam
    Hein A.M. Klemann
    Meer informatie