Database Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic, 1783-1795 (DANS)

Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic, 1783-1795.

Jordaan, Dr. H.R. ()
During the second half of the 18th century St. Eustatius became an important regional trading hub, where European and North American goods and African slaves were exchanged for tropical produce from the neighbouring British, French, Spanish and Danish colonies. Between 1783 and 1795 180 return shipments of tropical produce were sent to the Dutch Republic. For most of these shipments the cargo lists were preserved in the old archives of St. Eustatius (1781-1828), which are kept in the National Archive in The Hague. The information from these cargo lists or ship’s manifests is processed in the database.
Persistent identifier DOI: 10.17026/dans-xp5-76xv; URN: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-ac5h-u1

Database Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic