Collectie Fraters van Tilburg (Stadsmuseum Tilburg)

De Fraters van Tilburg werd opgericht in 1844 en haar leden zijn geruime tijd actief geweest in het Caribisch gebied. De collectie van de Fraters van Tilburg wordt beheerd door Stadsmuseum Tilburg en is gedeeltelijk gedigitaliseerd via Brabants Erfgoed. Van de ca. 30.000 foto’s zijn op dit moment 12.704 foto’s online beschikbaar.

Collectie Fraters van Tilburg

Archief van de Deense West-Indiën, 1672-1917 (Rigsarkivet)

Dit is waar u de bronnen van de geschiedenis van de Deense kolonie in de West-Indiën vindt. De kolonie bestond uit de eilanden van St. Thomas, St John en St. Croix en behoorde tot Denemarken tussen 1672 en 1917. Ze werden toen verkocht aan de V.S. en hernoemd tot de Virgin Islands. Veelal in het Deens, maar sommige bronnen zijn ook in het Engels of Nederlands.

Archief Deense West-Indiën

Database Curaçao Slave Trade, 1700-1730 (DANS)

Curaçao Slave Trade, 1700-1730 – H.R. Jordaan (1998/ 2003)
During the last quarter of the 17th century Curaçao became an important regional slavemarket, especially for the Spanish colonies on the south american mainland. Until 1730 the Dutch West India Company (WIC) had a monopoly on the Dutch Atlantic slave trade. For the period 1700-1730 the documentation regarding the slavetrading activities of the WIC on Curaçao is almost completely preserved in the archives of the Company, kept in the Dutch National Archives in The Hague. Information from these archives, especially from the selection lists drawn up shortly after the arrival of the slaves on the island, auction records, and sales lists, is processed in the database.
Persistent Identifier: DOI: 10.17026/dans-z6k-s3cu; URN: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-ne9o-r8

Database Curaçao Slave Trade

Database Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic, 1783-1795 (DANS)

Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic, 1783-1795.

Jordaan, Dr. H.R. ()
During the second half of the 18th century St. Eustatius became an important regional trading hub, where European and North American goods and African slaves were exchanged for tropical produce from the neighbouring British, French, Spanish and Danish colonies. Between 1783 and 1795 180 return shipments of tropical produce were sent to the Dutch Republic. For most of these shipments the cargo lists were preserved in the old archives of St. Eustatius (1781-1828), which are kept in the National Archive in The Hague. The information from these cargo lists or ship’s manifests is processed in the database.
Persistent identifier DOI: 10.17026/dans-xp5-76xv; URN: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-ac5h-u1

Database Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic

Database Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie in the Eighteenth Century (DANS)

Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie in the Eighteenth Century – C. Reinders Folmer – van Prooijen (2000)
This dataset consists of several datafiles containing information on voyages by Dutch slave ships from Middelburg to Africa and Surinam, Curaçao, Berbice or other Caribbean destinations and back, covering the period 1721-1760.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-x0jm-lr

Database Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie

Database Voyages of the WIC, 1674-1740 (DANS)

Voyages of the WIC, 1674-1740 – H. den Heijer (1997)
This dataset contains a list of voyages of Dutch WIC-ships. The list is chronologically ordered and contains information regarding the names of the captains, the destinations, the date of departure from the Dutch Republic, the date of arrival and the ship type.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-02h-jfo

Database Voyages of the WIC

Database Dutch Atlantic connections, 1600-1795 (DANS)

Dutch Atlantic connections: the circulation of people, goods and ideas in the Atlantic world, 1600-1795
Prof. dr. H. J. den Heijer, dr. W.W. Klooster, dr. R. Paesie, dr. J. Postma, dr. C. Reinders Folmer – van Prooijen and dr. J. Jacobs (2009)
Data: 7666 voyages (expanded with further research)
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-82v-78l

Database Dutch Atlantic connections
Zie ook: KITLV