Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie in the Eighteenth Century – C. Reinders Folmer – van Prooijen (2000)
This dataset consists of several datafiles containing information on voyages by Dutch slave ships from Middelburg to Africa and Surinam, Curaçao, Berbice or other Caribbean destinations and back, covering the period 1721-1760.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-x0jm-lr
Database Voyages of the WIC, 1674-1740 (DANS)
Voyages of the WIC, 1674-1740 – H. den Heijer (1997)
This dataset contains a list of voyages of Dutch WIC-ships. The list is chronologically ordered and contains information regarding the names of the captains, the destinations, the date of departure from the Dutch Republic, the date of arrival and the ship type.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-02h-jfo
Database Dutch interlopers, 1674-1730 (DANS)
Dutch interlopers, 1674-1730 – R. Paesie (2008)
This database contains 85 to 90 percent of the Dutch interlopers between 1674 and 1730. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the word ‘interloper’ (lorrendraaier) generally referred to a smuggler ship, a ship trading goods and slaves out of the monopoly of the West Indian Company. ‘Since interloper activity was illegal, documentation concerning its role is difficult to find, if available at all’ (Postma). About one fifth of the interlopers didn’t fulfil its journey. They were captured by the West Indian Company, were shipwrecked of hijacked by pirates. More on interlopers can be read in the summary of the book ‘Lorrendrayen op Africa’ by Paesie that is added in PDF-format in this database.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-cv5-cgp
Database Dutch slave trade, 1600-1800 (DANS)
Dutch slave trade (2009) – J. Postma
This dataset contains information on the seavoyage of Dutch slave traders in the 17th and 18th century. It includes the number of slaves that boarded the ship in Africa, the number of deaths, places of departure and places of landing, etc.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-5hy-oa0
Database Dutch shipping and trade with Surinam, 1683-1795 (DANS)
Dutch shipping and trade with Surinam, 1683-1795 – J. Postma (2009)
This dataset contains data on voyages by Dutch ships to Surinam in the period 1683-1795. It contains data on trade in general for this period.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-ybr-34p
Database Dutch Atlantic connections, 1600-1795 (DANS)
Dutch Atlantic connections: the circulation of people, goods and ideas in the Atlantic world, 1600-1795
Prof. dr. H. J. den Heijer, dr. W.W. Klooster, dr. R. Paesie, dr. J. Postma, dr. C. Reinders Folmer – van Prooijen and dr. J. Jacobs (2009)
Data: 7666 voyages (expanded with further research)
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-82v-78l
Database Dutch Atlantic connections
Zie ook: KITLV
Collectie Heilbron, 1961-2008 (
De Heilbron boekencollectie is de nalatenschap van sociaal wetenschapper Waldo Heilbron die als socioloog op de Universiteit van Amsterdam onderzoek deed naar post-kolonialisme, de Trans-Atlantische slavenhandel en haar erfenis, racisme en geschiedschrijving.