Dit is een project van Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, University of California (Irvine en Santa Cruz) en Hutchins Center van Harvard University. Via deze database kunnen de reizen naar Noord- en Zuid-Amerika tussen 1514 en 1866 van meer dan 91,000 tot slaaf gemaakte Afrikanen getraceerd worden.
Slave Voyages
Database Exports from St. Eustatius to the Dutch Republic, 1783-1795 (DANS)
Jordaan, Dr. H.R. ()
During the second half of the 18th century St. Eustatius became an important regional trading hub, where European and North American goods and African slaves were exchanged for tropical produce from the neighbouring British, French, Spanish and Danish colonies. Between 1783 and 1795 180 return shipments of tropical produce were sent to the Dutch Republic. For most of these shipments the cargo lists were preserved in the old archives of St. Eustatius (1781-1828), which are kept in the National Archive in The Hague. The information from these cargo lists or ship’s manifests is processed in the database.
Persistent identifier DOI: 10.17026/dans-xp5-76xv; URN: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-ac5h-u1
Database Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie in the Eighteenth Century (DANS)
Shipping Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie in the Eighteenth Century – C. Reinders Folmer – van Prooijen (2000)
This dataset consists of several datafiles containing information on voyages by Dutch slave ships from Middelburg to Africa and Surinam, Curaçao, Berbice or other Caribbean destinations and back, covering the period 1721-1760.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-x0jm-lr
Database Dutch interlopers, 1674-1730 (DANS)
Dutch interlopers, 1674-1730 – R. Paesie (2008)
This database contains 85 to 90 percent of the Dutch interlopers between 1674 and 1730. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the word ‘interloper’ (lorrendraaier) generally referred to a smuggler ship, a ship trading goods and slaves out of the monopoly of the West Indian Company. ‘Since interloper activity was illegal, documentation concerning its role is difficult to find, if available at all’ (Postma). About one fifth of the interlopers didn’t fulfil its journey. They were captured by the West Indian Company, were shipwrecked of hijacked by pirates. More on interlopers can be read in the summary of the book ‘Lorrendrayen op Africa’ by Paesie that is added in PDF-format in this database.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-cv5-cgp
Database Dutch slave trade, 1600-1800 (DANS)
Dutch slave trade (2009) – J. Postma
This dataset contains information on the seavoyage of Dutch slave traders in the 17th and 18th century. It includes the number of slaves that boarded the ship in Africa, the number of deaths, places of departure and places of landing, etc.
Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-5hy-oa0
Scans WIC en VOC uit Archief Staten-Generaal, 17e – 19e eeuw (Nationaal Archief)
Het Nationaal Archief heeft de series over de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) en West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) uit het archief van de Staten-Generaal gedigitaliseerd. De 30.000 toegevoegde scans zijn op de website van het Nationaal Archief te bekijken.
Database VOC-schepen, 1598-1793 (VOCsite)
De VOCsite is gevormd rond de database die informatie over honderden VOC-schepen bevat. Verder zijn op de website gegevens te vinden over de geschiedenis van de VOC en haar handelsposten.