Dutch clinker-built ships in the 15th and 16th centuries (DANS)

In 1969 an interesting and unique shipwreck was found at lot U 34 in the polder of eastern Flevoland, the Netherlands. The ship, dated about AD 1530, was 30 m long and completely clinker-built. The overlapping strakes were connected by a combination of rove and rivet and small treenails. In the Netherlands a few similar clinker-built shipwrecks have been found dating from the same period, but not as large as the ship at lot U 34.

Dutch clinker-built ships

Fish and fortune for Holland. The ‘waterschip’ (DANS)

Fish and fortune for Holland. The ‘waterschip’, floating fishpond and tug boat and the prosperity of Holland in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. In the province of Flevoland forty wrecks of ‘waterschepen’ have been found, of which twenty have been excavated and only two have been published. These fishing vessels date between 1500 and 1700 and played an important role in feeding the fast growing population of the urban centres in Holland. The ships form an interesting group of vessels because they have been in use over a long time-period, serving different functions (fish transport, fishing vessel and tug-boat). According to historical sources they span an even longer time-frame: from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century.

Fish and fortune for Holland

Archief Consulaat Penzance, 1915-1947 (Nationaal Archief)

Het archief Consulaat Penzance, 1915-1947 bevat uitsluitend scheepsverklaringen die door de kapitein van een Nederlands schip moesten worden opgemaakt en afgegeven aan het Nederlandse consulaat waaronder de betreffende havenstad ressorteerde, ingeval van scheepsschade of een buitengewoon voorval tijdens de reis.

Archief Consulaat Penzance

Archief Gezantschap Guatemala, 1946-1952 (Nationaal Archief)

Het archief van het Gezantschap Guatemala, 1946-1952 bevat stukken over de organisatie van de post protocollaire zaken, correspondentie met de afzonderlijke consulaten en dossiers over het tot stand komen van handelsverdragen, naoorlogse politieke betrekkingen en oorlogsschade, zoals scheepvaartverbindingen Nederland – Midden-Amerika, de activiteiten van de KLM in de landen van het ambtsgebied, handelsbevordering op het gebied van de landbouw en industrie, vrijhavens in Panama en de Nederlandse export naar Zuid- en Midden-Amerika.

Archief Gezantschap Guatemala